Non-specific or specific pain?
In the literature you often come across that 85% of chronic pain consists of so-called misunderstood or non-specific complaints. Only 15% is specific, a clear name can be given to it and certain tests and investigations are positive. That is clear and often there is a specific treatment for that condition. The rest remain vague and often receive non-specific treatment. We see that differently. In the vast majority of these non-specific complaints, the cause can be found in the fascia.Thisin the form of trigger points, tissue acidification and adhesions and mobility restrictions of the nerves. With the Fascia Function Test developed by us, you can map out these disturbances. This makesalsoa specific (targeted) treatment is possible.

Important places where densifications of the ground substance occur:
Antrigger point. (mini-twitches that can occur in any muscle)
close to attachments (fascia membranes come very close together, so that there is less flow of the ground substance and adhesions develop more quickly, e.g. tennis elbow, 'heel spur', tract syndrome)
around a nerve (nerve slides into a canal of fluid, if this fluid is more viscous irritation can occur, for example carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome)
where a nerve is locatedThroughthe fascia bores (e.g. ACNES, meralgia paraesthetica. But this can happen in many places in the body.)
In our view, the tip of the iceberg is underwater. In at least 95% of people with chronic musculoskeletal pain, the source of peripheral nocisensory activity can be identified. That piece under water would be the group ofnociplastic paincould be.
Instead of 'non-specific pain', we can better speak of myofascial (=muscle/fascia) pain from now on. This also lays a foundation for researching and learning more and more about what exactly the role of fascia and muscles is and how we can influence this. 'Aspecific' is a dead end.