E-motion: an outward movement, an expression, it flows = life. Crying, screaming, fighting etc.
But if feelings cannot be expressed, stagnation arises ('no-motion or in-motion').
All cells produce waste, that's okay, as long as it is disposed of. If stagnation occurs, the waste products accumulate and disease and pain arise. Our mind also produces all kinds of things, that's fine, as long asItbut is removed. Flow is cleaning.
Not being able, allowed or daring to express what you feel can be a source of deep pain.
Looking for ways to express yourself through writing, music, photography, (trauma) therapy can get the flow going again.
Joe Sarmo was probably one of the first to describe how suppressed emotions can underlie chronic pain. Others like Alan Gorden, James Alexander and Adam Heller have continued on this path with remarkable results. There is also currently increasing attention for the relationship between childhood trauma and physical complaints. Well-known names in this area include Gabor Maté, Bessel van der Kolk, Peter A. Levine. An overview of books in this area can be found atdepijnvoorbij.nl
In the Netherlands you can go to Emover Foundation recht for more information and experience experts.
The pain system is life's security system. It responds when the cell is threatened.
It's all about safety. Physically and emotionally.
Emotional insecurity comes in many forms: physical threat, high demands at school/work/in relationship, insecurity, perfectionism, loneliness, PTSD, concern for the well-being ofAnother.
The autonomic nervous system isstraight awaylinked to the emotional brain. It is quite possible that the feeling of insecurity influences the condition of the ground substance, the living environment of the cells.
Insecurity can lead to physical changes such as trigger points, densification of the ground substance, reduced bowel function, sleep and hormonal function. These can contributepainwhich in turn can lead to uncertainty and insecurity.Aviscous circle that can easily be triggered, especially in people who have received little security from 'home away from home'.

The more often situations of safety can be created, the more you end up in recovery modes. This can lead to a calmer nervous system with a decrease in complaints. This can then reinforce the feeling of security.
How that feeling of security can be achieved is different for everyone. For some, trauma therapy is the right path, possibly EMDR, for others it is best to create a personal safe environment. So-called 'security mantras' can make a contribution. These are statements that fit your situation and that you repeat so often that they become ingrained in your brain ('rewire the brain').
Some examples of this are:
"it hurts but it's not broken"
"it hurts but i can handle it"
"I'm safe now"
The power of self-affirmation
Expansion of the circle of Loeser
In Loeser's circle it starts with nociception, the signals from the body that indicate that something is wrong. That leads to the sensation of pain. This evokes a certain feeling (eg feeling sorry for yourself) which can provoke a certain behavior. It is possible to go deeper. Nociception often does not just happen. It could come from a certain behavior eg overloading, not saying 'no', always being there for everyone, pleasing. There may be an even deeper feeling here, eg wanting to be liked. And below, perhaps, lies the hurt skin that was not seen as a child.

Find your vulnerable skin.....
A hypothesis:
All emotions involve the autonomic nervous system. When expressing feelings, it is often about a discharge. But if the feelings are not expressed, are blocked, there is a persistent tension in the autonomic nervous system. The tension you feel when you're at a funeral and you see or think of something that actually makes you laugh but you try not to because it's not appropriate. That tension. This tension and the response of the autonomic nervous system to it will influence the chemical composition of the cells' environment. For example, it is not inconceivable that the pain felt during deep sadness or tension also has a physical component.